I was inspired by some mugshots I saw online and decided to try some cartoon characters. I just wanted to have a little fun and over exaggerate the features of these folks. I feel like I could maybe, and I mean maybe, one day I could do characture drawings at the fair, or at a festival or something? I would love to do court room drawings where they don’t allow cameras inside so I would have to go in and use oil pastels to sketch out the scene. That sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe I’ll just go and do that sometime after I practice some more and post about it here? Be on the look out for some court-room dramatizations in the near-future. Anyway, here are some of my sketches, drop a comment and tell me what I should do differently. And once I get better I’ll start taking some requests, so be on the lookout for that to be released in the store soon as well!